Our Calling
Since 2018, God has increasingly communicated with His children through dreams and visions.
This is not new. He promised to raise a generation of Josephs and Daniels with the gifts and skills to interpret dreams and visions; to express Godly wisdom and spiritual understanding as inspired by His Spirit in order to guide themselves and many others in 'understanding the times and seasons'.
The Lord said He will give people mysteries while they slept which no one but His children of light will interpret and use such an ability to draw others [who never believed] unto Himself - like He did with Nebuchadnezzar via Daniel, and Pharaoh via Joseph. These gifts will benefit the body of believers in Christ attracting souls unto Himself.
We who know Christ will do well to pay attention and, learn by reason of use, through discernment, what the Lord reveals in the dream and visions received while we sleep or awake.
Job 33:14-18 (Amplified Bible)
Proverbs 4:7 (Amplified Bible).
Acts 16:9 (Amplified Bible)
Josephs&Daniels seeks to contribute to the equipping of believers for this work by holding discipleship trainings which bring us into this spiritual understanding as we attain the mind and stature of Christ.